Thursday, June 03, 2004

This one's for you, VJ

First off, the more friends, the merrier. I could use the practice and stimulation that goes with writing these. Secondly, who to choose? Well, it kinda depends on what you are in the mood for. As you are probably well aware of, Norah, Shania, and Black Eye Peas are quite different in genre and musical tastes. Norah's great, but she's simulates really old-school (like 1950s/1960s) jazz/blues...good for work and nighttime background music. There's this personal bias with Shania...that I won't even get into :) Black Eye Peas are refreshing, but not sure if I could handle a whole album by them.

Recommendation: Since this is the first time in a long time you seem to buying actual CDs, I say go with Metallica - St. Anger. I heard this album is great (even a classic?), although I by no means listen to Metallica. But, if you're a serious fan, then it's probably wise to go ahead and finish the collection..good or bad, you know? Hope you are not back to square one!!

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