Saturday, September 03, 2005

Ahhh, Tweet, Tweet!!

Hey, pop fans!! Ok, so in the midst of worker oblivion, I managed to pop in some music that hadn't made it to my ears in quite a while....Tweet's first CD: Southern Hummingbird. So her name and CD title sound a little funny, right? Well, don't let that fool you 'cause Miss Bird herself has some phenomenal music up her sleeve. So much so, that I can very well say she is the proud winner of the "Most Slept on Musical Artist" (well, at least for her first item). Beyond the heavily radioplayed, Missy/Timbaland-produced "Oops, Oh My" and "Call Me" tracks, which are truly dance feverish, Tweet sneakily offers up some really great conceptual and lyrical content that's all over the board. Take "Smokin' Cigarettes" for instance. Kind of a strange title, but when you listen to've definitely feel the stressful situation Tweet paints regardless if it was caused by a man, woman, boss, family member, politics, etc. Sometimes those cancer sticks really come in handy and is the middle step before going off the deep end. In the musically simple "Motel", Tweet gives a western vibe like she may actually know how to strum a guitar in a one-woman show (a video for this would have been so much fun to watch). This song about catching her man "cheatin'" by eyewitnessing his affair at a local motel is common content laid out in an uncommon fashion. My favorite song on the album, "Complain", is one I first heard on the radio and was actually THE song that made me purchase the entire album. Tweet's beautiful version of the song is about lost love, but it's so loose, it reminds you of anything your heart aches to have once mo' gin. It's truly hard not to cry upon hearing it. "My Place", with Tweet's soft, sexy vocals, takes you to that place only shared by you and your significant other and most definitely, gets you in the mood. Other songs like "Boogie Tonight" run back in time to the roller skating rink that you and your crew used to go to every Saturday night. Remember the times? "Drunk" is truly captivating with her slurry voice and incomplete stings that make the music really sound inebriated. Basically people, Tweet gives it all to you and then some. Too bad her lead singles did not do her album justice.

Recommendation: If you are curious to know what's under the surface of the Southern Hummingbird and want some great low-key R&B, I urge from you to cop this album and peel it away track by track.

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